It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know


Never underestimate the effect networking can have on your career. It isn’t about schmoozing your way into promotions; it’s about learning from others and sharing your value in return. This can improve your leadership abilities and a variety of other skills that can be invaluable to your professional growth and development.

The benefits of networking include:

  • New opportunities. By broadening your professional circle, you’ll find more opportunities come your way– from new positions to client referrals to unique experiences that can inspire and motivate you.
  • Shared knowledge and skills. Exposure to new ideas and new knowledge can be one of the most beneficial effects of networking. You’ll be better at what you do and more able to contribute to your company and industry in a meaningful way.
  • Long-lasting connections. As you continue to grow your network, you’ll find yourself forming lasting relationships with your peers and mentors that can transform the future of your career. As these connections develop, you’ll have a long list of friends to call on if you ever need anything.

Let the Networking Begin

With launchbox’s EXCELERATOR peer groups, you can give your millennial employees what they want and need… NETWORKING and business skills, PEER support and personalized COACHING.

The pay back? You get employees with expanded professional networks that can deliver more opportunities and revenue for your business.

Send your employees as our guests to our upcoming EXCELERATOR meeting on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. They can check it out and report back on the value EXCELERATOR can deliver to them and to your organization.

Email to register your guests today.